Source code for

""" Latin word tokenization - handles enclitics and abbreviations."""

__author__ = [
    "Patrick J. Burns <>",
    "Todd Cook <",
__license__ = "MIT License."

import re
from typing import List, Tuple

from nltk.tokenize.punkt import PunktLanguageVars, PunktParameters

from import LatinPunktSentenceTokenizer
from import ABBREVIATIONS, latin_exceptions
from import latin_replacements as REPLACEMENTS
from cltk.tokenizers.word import WordTokenizer

[docs]class LatinLanguageVars(PunktLanguageVars): _re_non_word_chars = PunktLanguageVars._re_non_word_chars.replace("'", "")
[docs]class LatinWordTokenizer(WordTokenizer): """Tokenize according to rules specific to a given language.""" ENCLITICS = ["que", "n", "ne", "ue", "ve", "st"] EXCEPTIONS = list(set(ENCLITICS + latin_exceptions)) def __init__(self): self.punkt_param = PunktParameters() self.punkt_param.abbrev_types = set(ABBREVIATIONS) self.sent_tokenizer = LatinPunktSentenceTokenizer() self.word_tokenizer = LatinLanguageVars()
[docs] def tokenize( self, text: str, replacements: List[Tuple[str, str]] = REPLACEMENTS, enclitics_exceptions: List[str] = EXCEPTIONS, enclitics: List[str] = ENCLITICS, ) -> List[str]: """ Tokenizer divides the text into a list of substrings :param text: This accepts the string value that needs to be tokenized :param replacements: List of replacements to apply to tokens such as "mecum" -> ["cum", "me"] :param enclitics_exceptions: List of words that look likes they end with an enclitic but are not. :param enclitics: List of enclitics to check for in tokenization :returns: A list of substrings extracted from the text >>> toker = LatinWordTokenizer() >>> text = 'atque haec abuterque puerve paterne nihil' >>> toker.tokenize(text) ['atque', 'haec', 'abuter', '-que', 'puer', '-ve', 'pater', '-ne', 'nihil'] >>> toker.tokenize('Cicero dixit orationem pro Sex. Roscio') ['Cicero', 'dixit', 'orationem', 'pro', 'Sex', '.', 'Roscio'] >>> toker.tokenize('Cenavin ego heri in navi in portu Persico?') ['Cenavi', '-ne', 'ego', 'heri', 'in', 'navi', 'in', 'portu', 'Persico', '?'] >>> toker.tokenize('Dic si audes mihi, bellan videtur specie mulier?') ['Dic', 'si', 'audes', 'mihi', ',', 'bella', '-ne', 'videtur', 'specie', 'mulier', '?'] >>> toker.tokenize("mecum") ['cum', 'me'] You can specify how replacements are made using replacements >>> toker.tokenize("mecum", replacements=[(r"mecum", "me cum")]) ['me', 'cum'] Or change enclitics and enclitics exception: >>> toker.tokenize("atque haec abuterque puerve paterne nihil", enclitics=["que"]) ['atque', 'haec', 'abuter', '-que', 'puerve', 'paterne', 'nihil'] >>> toker.tokenize("atque haec abuterque puerve paterne nihil", enclitics=["que", "ve", "ne"], ... enclitics_exceptions=('paterne', 'atque')) ['atque', 'haec', 'abuter', '-que', 'puer', '-ve', 'paterne', 'nihil'] """ def matchcase(word): """helper function From Python Cookbook""" def replace(matching): text = if text.isupper(): return word.upper() elif text.islower(): return word.lower() elif text[0].isupper(): return word.capitalize() return word return replace for replacement in replacements: text = re.sub( replacement[0], matchcase(replacement[1]), text, flags=re.IGNORECASE ) sents = self.sent_tokenizer.tokenize(text) tokens = [] # type: List[str] for sent in sents: temp_tokens = self.word_tokenizer.word_tokenize(sent) # Need to check that tokens exist before handling them; # needed to make stream.readlines work in PlaintextCorpusReader if temp_tokens: if temp_tokens[0].endswith("ne"): if temp_tokens[0].lower() not in enclitics_exceptions: temp = [temp_tokens[0][:-2], "-ne"] temp_tokens = temp + temp_tokens[1:] if temp_tokens[-1].endswith("."): final_word = temp_tokens[-1][:-1] del temp_tokens[-1] temp_tokens += [final_word, "."] for token in temp_tokens: tokens.append(token) # Break enclitic handling into own function? specific_tokens = [] # type: List[str] for token in tokens: is_enclitic = False if token.lower() not in enclitics_exceptions: for enclitic in enclitics: if token.endswith(enclitic): if enclitic == "n": specific_tokens += [token[: -len(enclitic)]] + ["-ne"] elif enclitic == "st": if token.endswith("ust"): specific_tokens += [token[: -len(enclitic) + 1]] + [ "est" ] else: specific_tokens += [token[: -len(enclitic)]] + ["est"] else: specific_tokens += [token[: -len(enclitic)]] + [ "-" + enclitic ] is_enclitic = True break if not is_enclitic: specific_tokens.append(token) return specific_tokens
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_indices(text: str, tokens): indices = [] for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if 1 <= i: current_index = indices[-1] + len(tokens[i - 1]) if token == "-ne": indices.append(current_index + text[current_index:].find(token[1:])) else: indices.append(current_index + text[current_index:].find(token)) else: indices.append(text.find(token)) return indices