Source code for

"""Convert a word from Latin orthography into its hypothesized 
pronunciation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
import re
import unicodedata
from typing import List

from nltk.tokenize import wordpunct_tokenize

from cltk.core.cltk_logger import logger
from import macronizer as m

    # James Tauber's greek_accentuation package
    from greek_accentuation import characters as chars
except ImportError as import_error:
    message = (
        'Missing "greek_accentuation" package. Install with '
        "`pip install greek-accentuation`."

__author__ = ["Jack Duff <>"]
__license__ = "MIT License. See LICENSE."

# Dictionaries of phonological reconstructions for use in transcribing.
# Allen, W. Sidney. 1965. Vox Latina.

    "Classical": {
        "Allen": {
            "correspondence": {
                "p": "p",
                "t": "t̪",
                "c": "k",
                "k": "k",
                "qu": "kʷ",
                "b": "b",
                "d": "d̪",
                "g": "g",
                "gu": "gʷ",
                "ph": "pʰ",
                "th": "t̪ʰ",
                "ch": "kʰ",
                "n": "n̪",
                "m": "m",
                "r": "r",
                "rh": "r",  # Voiceless r was spelled but not pronounced.
                "l": "l",
                "f": "f",
                "s": "s",
                "h": "h",
                "j": "j",
                "v": "w",
                "x": "ks",
                "z": "z",
                "ī": "iː",
                "ū": "uː",
                "i": "ɪ",
                "u": "ʊ",
                "e": "ɛ",
                "o": "ɔ",
                "ē": "eː",
                "ō": "oː",
                "a": "a",
                "ā": "aː",
                "y": "y",
                "ȳ": "y:",
                "ae": "aj",
                "au": "aw",
                "oe": "oj",
                "eu": "ew",
                "ei": "ej",
            "diphthongs": [  # and digraphs
            "punctuation": [
            "alternations": [
                "j_maker",  # word initial and intervocalic i is assumed j
                "w_maker",  # word initial and intervocalic u is assumed w
                "wj_block",  # prevents accidental sequence wj
                "uj_diph_maker",  # after w and j have been created, recognizes
                # <ui> = [uj]
                "b_devoice",  # b devoices before /t/, /s/
                "g_n_nasality_assimilation",  # only before n
                "n_place_assimilation",  # should also do labial, and
                # labio-dental before f.
                "final_m_drop",  # m drops and lengthens + nasalizes preceding
                # vowel word-finally
                "ns_nf_lengthening",  # vowels lengthen before ns or nf
                "l_darken",  # l darkens to ɫ in coda
                "j_z_doubling",  # intervocalic j and z > jj and zz
                "long_vowel_catcher",  # corrects accidental instances of ɪː
                # and similar.
                "e_i_closer_before_vowel",  # ɛ to ɛ̣, ɪ to ɪ̣ before another vowel
                "intervocalic_j",  # j glide between vowels

# Unhandled exceptions: preposition "ad" becomes [at̪] not [ad̪] before s and t
# subf > suff, subm > summ, subg > sugg, subc > succ, subr > rr
# j exceptions like ad*j*ectivum and con*j*unx

# All IPA characters used sorted by natural classes.

IPA = {
    "voiced": [  # [+voice]
        "ɱ" "l",
    "labial": ["b", "p", "pʰ", "m"],  # [+labial, -labiodental]
    "labiodental": ["f", "ɱ"],  # [+labial, +labiodental]
    "coronal": ["d̪", "t̪", "t̪ʰ", "n̪", "s", "z", "r", "l", "ɫ"],  # [+coronal]
    "velar": ["g", "k", "kʰ", "kʷ", "gʷ", "ŋ"],  # [+velar]
    "nasal": ["m", "ɱ", "n", "ŋ"],  # [+consonantal, +nasal]
    "approximant": ["l", "ɫ", "r", "j", "w"],  # [+approximant]
    "continuant": ["h", "f", "s", "z", "l", "ɫ", "r"],  # [+continuant, +consonantal]
    "vowel": [  # [-consonantal -approximant]
    "high": [  # [-consonantal, +high]
    "mid": [  # [-consonantal, -high, -low]
    "low": ["a", "aː", "ã", "ãː"],  # [-consonantal, +low]
    "front": [  # [-consonantal, +front]
    "central": ["a", "aː", "ã", "ãː"],  # [-consonantal, -front, -back]
    "back": [  # [-consonantal, +back]
    "boundary": ["#"],

[docs]class Phone: """A phonological unit to be manipulated and represented as an IPA string.""" # Has a bundle of feature values that help classify it so that it can # trigger contextual pronunciation changes. def __init__(self, ipa_ch: str): """ Analyzes features of phonetic signs :param ipa_ch: phonetic sign from IPA """ # eventually exported to output string self.ipa = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", ipa_ch) # will be assigned once in Word, as the pre-context of this phone self.left = "" # .... as the post-context of this phone self.right = "" # bundle of features, stored as booleans: self.vce = self.ipa in IPA["voiced"] self.lab = self.ipa in IPA["labial"] self.lbd = self.ipa in IPA["labiodental"] self.cor = self.ipa in IPA["coronal"] self.vel = self.ipa in IPA["velar"] self.nas = self.ipa in IPA["nasal"] = self.ipa in IPA["approximant"] self.cont = self.ipa in IPA["continuant"] self.vow = self.ipa in IPA["vowel"] self.hi = self.ipa in IPA["high"] self.mid = self.ipa in IPA["mid"] self.lo = self.ipa in IPA["low"] = self.ipa in IPA["front"] self.ctr = self.ipa in IPA["central"] self.bk = self.ipa in IPA["back"] self.bound = self.ipa in IPA["boundary"] def __repr__(self): return self.ipa
[docs]class Word: """Max. phonological unit, contains phones and triggers alternations.""" # An ordered collection of Phones, which are bundles of # features/IPA strings. def __init__(self, ipa_str: str, root: dict): """ :param ipa_str: :param root: """ self.string = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", ipa_str) # Appropriate directory in the reconstruction dictionary self.root = root # list of contextual pronunciation alternations self.alts = self.root["alternations"] # Turns string of IPA characters into list of Phones self.phones = [Phone(c) for c in re.findall(r".[̪̣̃ʷʰ]*ː?", self.string)] self.syllables = []
[docs] def _refresh(self): """ Assigns left and right contexts for every phone """ for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if n != 0: p.left = self.phones[n - 1] else: p.left = Phone("#") if n != len(self.phones) - 1: p.right = self.phones[n + 1] else: p.right = Phone("#")
[docs] def _j_maker(self): """ Assume word-initial or intervocalic i to be j """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("j") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa == "ɪ" and ( (p.left.bound and p.right.vow) or (p.left.vow and p.right.vow) ): out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _w_maker(self): """ Assume word-initial or intervocalic u to be w """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("w") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if ((p.ipa == "ʊ") or (p.ipa == "u")) and ( (p.left.bound and (p.right.vow or p.right.ipa == "j")) or (p.left.vow and p.right.vow) ): out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _wj_block(self): """ Addendum to correct possible 'wj' sequences """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("ɪ") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.left.ipa == "w" and p.ipa == "j": out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _uj_diph_maker(self): """ Find accidental "ʊɪ" instances and treat as diphthong [uj]. """ out_phones = self.phones for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.left.ipa == "ʊ" and p.ipa == "ɪ": out_phones[n - 1] = Phone("u") out_phones[n] = Phone("j") self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _b_devoice(self): """ Pronounce b as p when followed by s or t. """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("p") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa == "b" and (p.right.ipa == "s" or p.right.ipa == "t̪"): out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _final_m_drop(self): """ Final m nasalizes and lengthens nucleus and drops. """ out_phones = self.phones for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.left.vow and p.ipa == "m" and p.right.bound: out_phones[n - 1] = Phone(p.left.ipa + "̃ː") del out_phones[n] self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _n_place_assimilation(self): """ Pronounce n as ŋ when followed by velar. """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("ŋ") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa == "n̪" and p.right.vel: out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _g_n_nasality_assimilation(self): """ Pronounce g as ŋ when followed by n. """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("ŋ") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa == "g" and p.right.ipa == "n̪": out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _ns_nf_lengthening(self): """ Lengthen vowel before ns or nf. """ out_phones = self.phones for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if ( p.left.vow and "ː" not in p.left.ipa and p.ipa == "n̪" and (p.right.ipa == "s" or p.right.ipa == "f") ): out_phones[n - 1] = Phone(p.left.ipa + "ː") self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _l_darken(self): """ Pronounce l as ɫ in coda. """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("ɫ") for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa == "l" and ((not p.right.vow) or p.right.bound): out_phones[n] = target self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _j_z_doubling(self): """ Double j and z between vowels. """ out_phones = self.phones dupl = [] for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.right.vow and (p.ipa == "j" or p.ipa == "z") and p.left.vow: dupl.append((True, n - len(self.phones), p.ipa)) else: dupl.append((False, n - len(self.phones), None)) for t in sorted(dupl, key=lambda tup: tup[1]): if t[0]: out_phones.insert(t[1], Phone(t[2])) self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _long_vowel_catcher(self): """ Replace ɪː with iː, ʊː with uː, and ɛː with eː. """ out_phones = self.phones target_dict = { "ɪː": "iː", "ʊː": "uː", "ɛː": "eː", "ɪ̃ː": "ĩː", "ʊ̃ː": "ũː", "ɛ̃ː": "ẽː", } for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.ipa in target_dict.keys(): out_phones[n] = Phone(target_dict[p.ipa]) self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _e_i_closer_before_vowel(self): """ e and i become closer (̣) when followed by a vowel. """ out_phones = self.phones for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if (p.ipa == "ɛ" or p.ipa == "ɪ") and p.right.vow: out_phones[n] = Phone(p.ipa + "̣") self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
[docs] def _intervocalic_j(self): """ epenthesize j between vowels """ out_phones = self.phones target = Phone("j") j = [] for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.left.vow and p.vow: j.append((True, n - len(self.phones))) else: j.append((False, n - len(self.phones))) for t in sorted(j, key=lambda tup: tup[1]): if t[0]: out_phones.insert(t[1], target) self.phones = out_phones self._refresh()
# list of all possible alternations ALTERNATIONS = [ ("j_maker", _j_maker), ("w_maker", _w_maker), ("wj_block", _wj_block), ("uj_diph_maker", _uj_diph_maker), ("b_devoice", _b_devoice), ("final_m_drop", _final_m_drop), ("n_place_assimilation", _n_place_assimilation), ("g_n_nasality_assimilation", _g_n_nasality_assimilation), ("ns_nf_lengthening", _ns_nf_lengthening), ("l_darken", _l_darken), ("j_z_doubling", _j_z_doubling), ("long_vowel_catcher", _long_vowel_catcher), ("e_i_closer_before_vowel", _e_i_closer_before_vowel), ("intervocalic_j", _intervocalic_j), ]
[docs] def _alternate(self): """ After setting left and right contexts for every phone... """ self._refresh() # runs all alternations for a in Word.ALTERNATIONS: if a[0] in self.alts: a[1](self)
[docs] def syllabify(self) -> List[List[Phone]]: """ Takes Word input and returns a list of syllables as (onset, nucleus, coda) tuples where onset, nucleus, and coda are all lists of Phones. :return: list of syllables """ nuclei = [] for n in range(len(self.phones)): p = self.phones[n] if p.vow: nuclei.append(n) # initialize syllables with a tuple for the first syllable # where onset is everything before the first nucleus # and coda remains unknown. syllables = [[self.phones[0 : nuclei[0]], [self.phones[nuclei[0]]], []]] # continue for every nucleus, assuming that everything between # the previous nucleus and it is the onset. for x in range(len(nuclei) - 1): i = nuclei[x + 1] onset = self.phones[nuclei[x] + 1 : i] nucleus = [self.phones[i]] syllables.append([onset, nucleus, []]) # assume that everything after the final nucleus is final coda. syllables[-1][2] = self.phones[nuclei[-1] + 1 :] # now go through and check onset viability for x in range(len(syllables) - 1): onset = syllables[x + 1][0] nucleus = syllables[x + 1][1] coda = syllables[x + 1][2] # trim all onsets greater than the maximum 2 phones # removing extra phones from the left # and appending them to the previous coda if len(onset) > 2: trim = onset[:-2] del onset[:-2] syllables[x][2] = trim # once onset is 2 phones... if len(onset) == 2: # stop + liquid is the only viable sequence and passes if ( (not onset[0].cont) and (not onset[0].app) and (onset[1].nas or onset[1].app) ): break # otherwise, onset must be right Phone only # the left phone is appended to the previous coda else: trim = onset[0] del onset[0] syllables[x][2] += [trim] self.syllables = syllables return syllables
[docs] def _print_ipa(self, syllabify, accentuate): """ Depending on the syllabify and accentuate parameters Prints an appropriately marked up version of the transcription :param syllabify: :param accentuate: :return: """ out = "" if syllabify: syllables = self.syllabify() # the ultima is the final syllable ultima = syllables[-1] # identify which syllable has stress and store index as accent if accentuate: # one syllable words have ultimate stress if len(syllables) == 1: accent = -1 # two syllable words have penultimate stress elif len(syllables) == 2: accent = -2 else: # penult is second to last syllable penult = syllables[-2] # if penult is diphthong (long), penultimate stress if len(penult[1]) > 1: accent = -2 # if penult is long vowel, penultimate stress elif "ː" in penult[1][0].ipa: accent = -2 # if penult has coda (closed/long by position), # penultimate stress elif len(penult[2]) > 0: accent = -2 # otherwise (penult is short) antepenultimate stress else: accent = -3 # loop over syllables by index for x in range(len(syllables)): s = syllables[x] # if index matches accent index set above if x - len(syllables) == accent: # precede that syllable with # IPA stress punctuation: ' out += "'" # then, print IPA by syllable segment as usual for n in s: for p in n: out += p.ipa # seperate all syllables with IPA syllable punctuation: . if s != ultima: out += "." # if no accentuation flag, proceed with syllabified printing else: for s in syllables: for n in s: for p in n: out += p.ipa # seperate all syllables with IPA syllable punctuation: . if s != ultima: out += "." # if no syllabification flag, proceed with # unsyllabified IPA printing else: for p in self.phones: out += p.ipa return out
[docs]class Transcriber: """Uses a reconstruction to transcribe a orthographic string into IPA.""" def __init__(self, dialect: str, reconstruction: str): """ :param dialect: Latin dialect :param reconstruction: reconstruction method """ self.lect = dialect self.recon = reconstruction self.root = LATIN[self.lect][self.recon] self.table = self.root["correspondence"] self.diphs = self.root["diphthongs"] self.punc = self.root["punctuation"] self.macronizer = m.Macronizer("tag_ngram_123_backoff")
[docs] def _parse_diacritics(self, ch: str) -> str: """ EG: input with base a -> a/LENGTH/DIAERESIS/ :param ch: character :return: a string with separated and organized diacritics for easier access later. """ out = chars.base(ch).lower() # Initialize out as base of character. length = chars.length(ch) dia = chars.diaeresis(ch) out += "/" # Create 1st boundary # If any length, place between 1st and 2nd boundary if length: out += length out += "/" # Create 2nd boundary if dia: # If any diaeresis, out += dia # place between second and final boundary out += "/" # Create final boundary return out
[docs] def _prep_text(self, text: str): """ Performs preparatory tasks grouping and reordering characters in order to make transcription formulaic. :param text: :return: """ string_in = "".join([self._parse_diacritics(ch) for ch in text]) # searches for diphthongs and treats them as one phone for d in self.diphs: d1 = d[0] d2 = d[1] pattern = r"(" + d1 + r")\/\/\/(" + d2 + r")(\/\/\/)" string_in = re.sub(pattern, r"\1\2\3", string_in) tup_out = re.findall(r"(..?)\/([̄̆]*)\/(¨?)\/", string_in) return tup_out
[docs] def transcribe( self, text, macronize=True, syllabify=True, accentuate=True, with_squared_brackets=True, ): """ >>> allen_transcriber = Transcriber("Classical", "Allen") >>> example = allen_transcriber.transcribe("Quo usque tandem, O Catilina, " + "abutere nostra patientia?") >>> example "['kʷoː 'ʊs.kʷɛ 't̪an̪.d̪ẽː 'oː ka.t̪ɪ.'liː.n̪aː a.buː.'t̪eː.rɛ 'n̪ɔs.t̪raː pa.t̪ɪ̣.'jɛn̪.t̪ɪ̣.ja]" :param text: text to transcribe :param macronize: if True, macronize result :param syllabify: if True, syllabify result :param accentuate: if True, accentuate result :param with_squared_brackets: if True, put squared brackets around transcription :return: transcribed text """ # if macronize, will first use the tagger to macronize input # otherwise, input will be the raw input string if macronize: text = self.macronizer.macronize_text(text) # input is word-tokenized, stripped of non-diacritic punctuation, # and diphthongs and diacritics are handled inp = [ self._prep_text(w) for w in wordpunct_tokenize(text) if w not in self.punc ] words = [] for w in inp: out = "" for c in w: if "̄" in c[1]: macron_added = c[0] + "̄" ipa = self.table.get(macron_added, macron_added) else: ipa = self.table.get(c[0], c[0]) out += ipa transcription = Word(out, self.root) transcription._alternate() words.append(transcription) # Encloses output in brackets, proper notation for surface form. result = " ".join([w._print_ipa(syllabify, accentuate) for w in words]) if with_squared_brackets: result = "[" + result + "]" return result