Source code for cltk.ner.ner

"""Named entity recognition (NER).

.. note::
   For Greek and Latin, v. ``0.1`` had a way of getting ``True``/``False``
   whether a word was an entity of any sort (i.e., a proper noun). The
   data used for this is available at ``os.path.join(CLTK_DATA_DIR, "grc/model/grc_models_cltk/ner/proper_names.txt")``
    and ``os.path.join(CLTK_DATA_DIR, "lat/model/lat_models_cltk/ner/proper_names.txt")``, respectively.


import importlib.machinery
import logging
import os
from typing import List, Union

from cltk.core.exceptions import UnimplementedAlgorithmError
from cltk.languages.utils import get_lang
from cltk.ner.spacy_ner import download_prompt, spacy_tag_ner
from cltk.utils import CLTK_DATA_DIR

__author__ = ["Natasha Voake <>"]

    "ang": os.path.join(CLTK_DATA_DIR, "ang/model/ang_models_cltk/ner/spacy_model/"),
    "fro": os.path.join(CLTK_DATA_DIR, "fro/text/fro_models_cltk/"),
    "grc": os.path.join(
    "lat": os.path.join(

[docs]def tag_ner(iso_code: str, input_tokens: List[str]) -> List[Union[bool, str]]: """Run NER for chosen language. Some languages return boolean True/False, others give string of entity type (e.g., ``LOC``). >>> from cltk.ner.ner import tag_ner >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from boltons.strutils import split_punct_ws >>> tokens = split_punct_ws(get_example_text(iso_code="lat")) >>> text = "ἐπὶ δ᾽ οὖν τοῖς πρώτοις τοῖσδε Περικλῆς ὁ Ξανθίππου ᾑρέθη λέγειν. καὶ ἐπειδὴ καιρὸς ἐλάμβανε, προελθὼν ἀπὸ τοῦ σήματος ἐπὶ βῆμα ὑψηλὸν πεποιημένον, ὅπως ἀκούοιτο ὡς ἐπὶ πλεῖστον τοῦ ὁμίλου, ἔλεγε τοιάδε." >>> tokens = split_punct_ws(text) >>> are_words_entities = tag_ner(iso_code="grc", input_tokens=tokens) >>> tokens[:9] ['ἐπὶ', 'δ᾽', 'οὖν', 'τοῖς', 'πρώτοις', 'τοῖσδε', 'Περικλῆς', 'ὁ', 'Ξανθίππου'] >>> are_words_entities[:9] [False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, True] >>> tokens = split_punct_ws(get_example_text(iso_code="fro")) >>> are_words_entities = tag_ner(iso_code="fro", input_tokens=tokens) >>> tokens[30:50] ['Bretaigne', 'A', 'I', 'molt', 'riche', 'chevalier', 'Hardi', 'et', 'coragous', 'et', 'fier', 'De', 'la', 'Table', 'Reonde', 'estoit', 'Le', 'roi', 'Artu', 'que'] >>> are_words_entities[30:50] ['LOC', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 'CHI'] """ get_lang(iso_code=iso_code) if iso_code not in NER_DICT: msg = f"NER unavailable for language ``{iso_code}``." raise UnimplementedAlgorithmError(msg) ner_file_path = os.path.expanduser(NER_DICT[iso_code]) if iso_code == "fro": if not os.path.isfile(ner_file_path): msg = f"Old French model path '{ner_file_path}' not found. Going to try to download it ..." logging.warning(msg) dl_msg = f"This part of the CLTK depends upon models from the CLTK project." model_url = "" download_prompt(iso_code=iso_code, message=dl_msg, model_url=model_url) loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader("entities", ner_file_path) module = loader.load_module() # type: module entities = module.entities # type: Tuple(str, str) entities_type_list = list() for input_token in input_tokens: for entity_token, kind in entities: if input_token == entity_token: entities_type_list.append(kind) break entities_type_list.append(False) return entities_type_list elif iso_code in ["ang", "grc", "lat"]: return spacy_tag_ner( iso_code=iso_code, text_tokens=input_tokens, model_path=NER_DICT[iso_code] ) # type: List[str, None] else: with open(ner_file_path) as file_open: ner_str = ner_list = ner_str.split("\n") is_entity_list = list() # type: List[bool] for word_token in input_tokens: if word_token in ner_list: is_entity_list.append(True) else: is_entity_list.append(False) return is_entity_list