Source code for cltk.alphabet.gmh

"""The alphabet for Middle High German. Source:

- *Schreibkonventionen des klassischen Mittelhochdeutschen*, Simone Berchtold

The consonants of Middle High German are categorized as:

- Stops: ⟨p t k/c/q b d g⟩
- Affricates: ⟨pf/ph tz/z⟩
- Fricatives: ⟨v f s ȥ sch ch h⟩
- Nasals: ⟨m n⟩
- Liquids: ⟨l r⟩
- Semivowels: ⟨w j⟩

Misc. notes:

- c is used at the beginning of only loanwords and is pronounced the same as k (e.g. calant, cappitain)
- Double consonants are pronounced the same way as their corresponding letters in Modern Standard German (e.g. pp/p)
- schl, schm, schn, schw are written in MHG as sw, sl, sm, sn
- æ (also seen as ae), œ (also seen as oe) and iu denote the use of Umlaut over â, ô and û respectively
- ȥ or ʒ is used in modern handbooks and grammars to indicate the s or s-like sound which arose from Germanic t in the High German consonant shift.

>>> from cltk.alphabet import gmh
>>> gmh.CONSONANTS[:5]
['b', 'd', 'g', 'h', 'f']
>>> gmh.VOWELS[:5]
['a', 'ë', 'e', 'i', 'o']

import re
import unicodedata




SHORT_VOWELS = ["a", "ë", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ä", "ö", "ü"]

LONG_VOWELS = ["â", "ê", "î", "ô", "û", "æ", "œ", "iu"]

DIPHTHONGS = ["ei", "ie", "ou", "öu", "uo", "üe", "ch", "ng", "nt"]

[docs]def normalize_middle_high_german( text: str, to_lower_all: bool = True, to_lower_beginning: bool = False, alpha_conv: bool = True, punct: bool = True, ascii: bool = False, ): """Normalize input string. >>> from cltk.alphabet import gmh >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> gmh.normalize_middle_high_german(get_example_text("gmh"))[:50] 'uns ist in alten\\nmæren wunders vil geseit\\nvon hele' :param text: :param to_lower_beginning: :param to_lower_all: convert whole text to lowercase :param alpha_conv: convert alphabet to canonical form :param punct: remove punctuation :param ascii: returns ascii form :return: normalized text """ if to_lower_all: text = text.lower() if to_lower_beginning: text = text[0].lower() + text[1:] text = re.sub(r"(?<=[\.\?\!]\s)(\w)", lambda x:, text) if alpha_conv: text = ( text.replace("ē", "ê") .replace("ī", "î") .replace("ā", "â") .replace("ō", "ô") .replace("ū", "û") ) text = text.replace("ae", "æ").replace("oe", "œ") if punct: text = re.sub(r"[\.\";\,\:\[\]\(\)!&?‘]", "", text) if ascii: text = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text).encode( "ASCII", "ignore" ) # Encode into ASCII, returns a bytestring text = text.decode("utf-8") # Convert back to string return text