Tocharian B

Tocharian, also spelled Tokharian, is an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family. It is known from manuscripts dating from the 6th to the 8th century AD, which were found in oasis cities on the northern edge of the Tarim Basin (now part of Xinjiang in northwest China). The documents record two closely related languages, called Tocharian A (“East Tocharian”, Agnean or Turfanian) and Tocharian B (“West Tocharian” or Kuchean). The subject matter of the texts suggests that Tocharian A was more archaic and used as a Buddhist liturgical language, while Tocharian B was more actively spoken in the entire area from Turfan in the east to Tumshuq in the west. Tocharian A is found only in the eastern part of the Tocharian-speaking area, and all extant texts are of a religious nature. Tocharian B, however, is found throughout the range and in both religious and secular texts. (Source: Wikipedia)


The corpus module has a class for generating a Swadesh list for Tocharian B.

In [1]: from cltk.corpus.swadesh import Swadesh

In [2]: swadesh = Swadesh('txb')

In [3]: swadesh.words()[:10]
Out[3]: ['ñäś', 'tuwe', 'su', 'wes', 'yes', 'cey', 'se', 'su, samp', 'tane', 'tane, omp']