Sanskrit is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, a philosophical language of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism, and a literary language of ancient and medieval South Asia that also served as a lingua franca. It is a standardised dialect of Old Indo-Aryan, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European. As one of the oldest Indo-European languages for which substantial written documentation exists, Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies. (Source: Wikipedia)
Use CorpusImporter()
or browse the CLTK GitHub organization (anything beginning with sanskrit_
) to discover available Sanskrit corpora.
In [1]: from cltk.corpus.utils.importer import CorpusImporter
In [2]: c = CorpusImporter('sanskrit')
In [3]: c.list_corpora
['sanskrit_text_jnu', 'sanskrit_text_dcs', 'sanskrit_parallel_sacred_texts', 'sanskrit_text_sacred_texts', 'sanskrit_parallel_gitasupersite', 'sanskrit_text_gitasupersite','sanskrit_text_wikipedia','sanskrit_text_sanskrit_documents']
This tool has been derived from the IndicNLP Project courtesy of anoopkunchukuttan This tool is made for transliterating Itrans text to Devanagari(Unicode) script. Also, it can romanize Devanagari script.
Script Conversion¶
Convert from one Indic script to another. This is a simple script which exploits the fact that Unicode points of various Indic scripts are at corresponding offsets from the base codepoint for that script.more.
In [1]: from cltk.corpus.sanskrit.itrans.unicode_transliterate import UnicodeIndicTransliterator
In [2]: input_text=u'राजस्थान'
In [3]: UnicodeIndicTransliterator.transliterate(input_text,"hi","pa")
Out[3]: 'ਰਾਜਸ੍ਥਾਨ'
Convert script text to Roman text in the ITRANS notation
In [4]: from cltk.corpus.sanskrit.itrans.unicode_transliterate import ItransTransliterator
In [5]: input_text=u'राजस्थान'
In [6]: lang='hi'
In [7]: ItransTransliterator.to_itrans(input_text,lang)
Out[7]: 'rAjasthAna'
Indicization (ITRANS to Indic Script)¶
Conversion of ITRANS-transliteration to an Devanagari(Unicode) script
In [8]: from cltk.corpus.sanskrit.itrans.unicode_transliterate import ItransTransliterator
In [9]: input_text=u'pitL^In'
In [10]: lang='hi'
In [11]: x=ItransTransliterator.from_itrans(input_text,lang)
In [12]: x
Out[12]: 'पितॣन्'
Query Script Information¶
Indic scripts have been designed keeping phonetic principles in nature and the design and organization of the scripts makes it easy to obtain phonetic information about the characters.
In [13]: from cltk.corpus.sanskrit.itrans.langinfo import *
In [14]: c = 'क'
In [15]: lang='hi'
In [16]: is_vowel(c,lang)
Out[16]: False
In [17]: is_consonant(c,lang)
Out[17]: True
In [18]: is_velar(c,lang)
Out[18]: True
In [19]: is_palatal(c,lang)
Out[19]: False
In [20]: is_aspirated(c,lang)
Out[20]: False
In [21]: is_unvoiced(c,lang)
Out[21]: True
In [22]: is_nasal(c,lang)
Out[22]: False
Other similar functions are here,
In [29]: dir(cltk.corpus.sanskrit.itrans.langinfo)
['APPROXIMANT_LIST', 'ASPIRATED_LIST', 'AUM_OFFSET', 'COORDINATED_RANGE_END_INCLUSIVE', 'COORDINATED_RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE', 'DANDA', 'DENTAL_RANGE', 'DOUBLE_DANDA', 'FRICATIVE_LIST', 'HALANTA_OFFSET', 'LABIAL_RANGE', 'LC_TA', 'NASAL_LIST', 'NUKTA_OFFSET', 'NUMERIC_OFFSET_END', 'NUMERIC_OFFSET_START', 'PALATAL_RANGE', 'RETROFLEX_RANGE', 'RUPEE_SIGN', 'SCRIPT_RANGES', 'UNASPIRATED_LIST', 'UNVOICED_LIST', 'URDU_RANGES', 'VELAR_RANGE', 'VOICED_LIST', '__author__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__license__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'get_offset', 'in_coordinated_range', 'is_approximant', 'is_aspirated', 'is_aum', 'is_consonant', 'is_dental', 'is_fricative', 'is_halanta', 'is_indiclang_char', 'is_labial', 'is_nasal', 'is_nukta', 'is_number', 'is_palatal', 'is_retroflex', 'is_unaspirated', 'is_unvoiced', 'is_velar', 'is_voiced', 'is_vowel', 'is_vowel_sign', 'offset_to_char']
The corpus module has a class for generating a Swadesh list for Sanskrit.
In [1]: from cltk.corpus.swadesh import Swadesh
In [2]: swadesh = Swadesh('sa')
In [3]: swadesh.words()[:10]
Out[3]: ['अहम्' , 'त्वम्', 'स', 'वयम्, नस्', 'यूयम्, वस्', 'ते', 'इदम्', 'तत्', 'अत्र', 'तत्र']
This tool has also been derived from the IndicNLP Project courtesy of anoopkunchukuttan This tool can break a word into its syllables, this can be applied across 17 Indian languages including Devanagari (all using Unicode) script.
In [23]: from cltk.stem.sanskrit.indian_syllabifier import Syllabifier
In [24]: input_text = 'नमस्ते'
In [26]: lang='hindi'
In [27]: x = Syllabifier(lang)
In [28]: current = x.orthographic_syllabify(input_text)
Out[28]: ['न', 'म','स्ते']
This tool has also been derived from the IndicNLP Project courtesy of anoopkunchukuttan This tool can break a sentence into its constituent words. It works on the basis of filtering out punctuations and spaces.
In [29]: from cltk.tokenize.sentence import TokenizeSentence
In [30]: tokenizer = TokenizeSentence('sanskrit')
In [31]: input_text = "हिन्दी भारत की सबसे अधिक बोली और समझी जाने वाली भाषा है"
In [32]: x = tokenizer.tokenize(input_text)
Out[32]: ['हिन्दी', 'भारत', 'की', 'सबसे', 'अधिक', 'बोली', 'और', 'समझी', 'जाने', 'वाली', 'भाषा', 'है']
Stopword Filtering¶
To use the CLTK’s built-in stopwords list:
In [1]: from cltk.stop.sanskrit.stops import STOPS_LIST
In [2]: from cltk.tokenize.indian_tokenizer import indian_punctuation_tokenize_regex
In [3]: s = "हमने पिछले पाठ मे सीखा था कि “अहम् गच्छामि” का मतलब “मै जाता हूँ” है। आप ऊपर
...: की तालिकाँओ "
In [4]: tokens = indian_punctuation_tokenize_regex(s)
In [5]: len(tokens)
Out[5]: 20
In [6]: no_stops = [w for w in tokens if w not in STOPS_LIST]
In [7]: len(no_stops)
Out[7]: 18
In [8]: no_stops